Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Have Yourselves a Merry Fantabulous Christmas!

This is it everyone! Merry Merry Christmas! Let's pay it forward and share our blessings, material and otherwise, with at least three people today in honor of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future!

6 mouth offs:

Whitney said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!

DietCokeStraightUp said...

Merry Christmas!!!!!! You have a fabulous time!

The Hnou Mrs. said...

Merry Christmas!!

& thank you for the warm welcome! :)

Princesa said...

aw thank you! merry christmas for you too! :)

you can practice your spanish with me ;)

The Hnou Mrs. said...

You are so sweet! You're right, our old age and awareness of the happenings around us doesn't change Christmas' significance-- isn't that awesome?!

I hope you enjoy your Christmas as well :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Just came across your blog and I'm liking it :)