Friday, February 6, 2009

Because I Just Couldnt Resist...

My hectic schedule hasn't been allowing me to post frequently. However, even if I don't get to comment on all of your entries, I still am able to read through them from time to time. Anyway, I'd just like to write about the "highlight" of my previous week....

Monday, February 2
I was wearing my favorite black cardigan with pearl buttons and a pair of black capris. I spent the entire day at the IS department cramming readings as usual til my 6pm class. At around 5:30, I headed down to the college canteen for a quick snack and to meet up with a few of my friends. After settling myself on one of those comfortable monobloc chairs, I felt kind of weird. Something wasn't right. I was feeling the chair's plastic on my skin. It wasn't a good thing. I discretely reached down and yes, there it was - A HOLE! I started to panic. How long has it been there? Of all the days (I was wearing a thong. GREAT! It would already be helluva embarassing to have the entire campus see my undies, but to give a glimpse of one of my butt cheeks - that's just DEATH! ) Fudge fudge fudge! I managed to tug at my cardigan enough for it to cover the upper part of my capris. Thank goodness it was an evening class, and there were not a lot of people on campus. LESSON LEARNED: Bring a sewing kit. 

To my new followers: Thanks for dropping by! Looking forward to catching up on your posts!

8 mouth offs:

Anonymous said...

haha! where did this hole come from? i once had a hole in my pants, but i was brilliant enough to do a toetouch off the bleachers in jeans. a spontaneous hole? odd!

p.s. I completed my task! I would've tagged you for honest scrap but you already got it!!

Debbie said...

I have walked around with my booty hanging out before. And I am much older than you so it is much worse:)

USCEmily said...

I'm so glad I'm following you again- I missed your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! I have been MIA for a while but I just wanted to drop by and say hey!!!


Melissa said...

Hey! I justf ound your blog! That is awful about teh hole. I hope it wasn't there long! I wonder how you got it??? That sounds like something that would happen to me! :)

Anonymous said...

Girlie you need to hit up my blog and check out my first ever give away!!!

The Blonde Duck said...

Oh no! At least you learned about the sewing kit! And my butt is always being flashed at the gym with my shorts. But since it's an all women's gym, I don't care! :)

I moved! Come visit me at

The Hnou Mrs. said...

Eeep! Why aren't you on my blogger anymore?? & it won't let me add you/follow you again :(