Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've Been MIA I know

I am sooooo sorry for falling off the radar. The previous week was just really extremely toxic. I guess I'm still adjusting to my "new lifestyle". It's no joke really - I have to read for my grad classes, read for the class I'm teaching, come up with modules to keep their minds on the lesson, chat with friends, update my wardrobe and hit the nail spa regularly.... argh!!! Just yesterday I was only able to get an hour of sleep - I had to prepare for an outline presentation for THE grad class (THE cause it's the one being handled by the course god/goddess if you know what I mean). I spent hours and hours reading and typing. In fact, I even consulted my other prof friends regarding my outline, and so far, all of them said it was ok. 

THE CRAZY PART: At the end of my presentation, IS god says, "There is no thesis statement." 
THE EVEN CRAZIER PART: Perhaps if this happened to me last term or maybe a year ago, I would've burst into tears. Yesterday - I ended up laughing at it. I don't know if you guys would see it as a good thing or a bad thing, but right now I see it as a good thing. Last year changed my life in so many ways. This is cheesy I know, but last night, as I was reflecting on the entire reporting fiasco, I sincerely realized that those kinds of moments are part of the entire learning process. Whether it's called character building or whatever, I think it's helping me become a better person. Instead of being hard on myself, sulking, moping, regretting... I don't know, but it really feels right to be laughing. And doing better next time of course. :D

8 mouth offs:

The Hnou Mrs. said...

OMG! There you are!!!

I've missed your posts! But it sounds like you're peachy~!

Debbie said...

I wondered where you had gone. I'm glad everything is going well, even if it is hectic.

The Blonde Duck said...

I'm glad you laughed it off. I would have plucked out my eyeballs and thrown them at him.

!llegally blonde said...

Thanks guys! I'm really sorry. I'll put my house in order soon. Good-bye sleep!

Claudine said...

I was wondering what happened to you... glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie, thanks for the comment and the following. Gah, that sounds so stalkerish. There must be something wrong with my blog, but it has not shown you as a followerer yet. I do not know if you need to re-do it or what? Oh internet you are a fickled fickled thing....Thanks again. Anyways, I have been enjoying reading and catching up on your blog. Luv it!!!

So@24 said...

This does not make me miss school at all.

I guess it all balances out in the fact that you'll make much more money than me in the end.


Snickerdoodle Champagne said...

That's great that you laughed! I often do that when I see I've messed up. Things never seem quite as bad when you laugh - just a healthy way to deal with whatever it is and move on. ;)